Full Name
Marzieh Riahinezhad
Job Title
Associate Research Officer, Team Lead for Building Durability and Resiliency and Theme Lead for Resilient Residential Retrofit Theme
National Research Council Canada
Speaker Bio
Marzieh Riahinezhad, PhD, PEng, PMP, is a research officer at the Construction Research Centre at National Research Council of Canada (NRC). Her main research focuses on the development of sustainable building envelope materials, their performance and durability evaluation, and service life predication. She is also the lead for Resilient Residential Retrofit theme under Climate Resilient Built Environment Initiative at NRC. The goal of this theme is to address the critical issue of climate resilience in existing residential buildings through retrofitting. She is also the theme lead for Resiliency and Durability at National Building Code of Canada, where her role entitles to identify the necessary research areas to be conducted as well as ensuring the existing research projects are well-aligned with the needs of the Building Code. Marzieh is an Adjunct Professor at the Department of Civil Engineering at the University of Ottawa, where she co-supervises graduate students and gives lectures. Marzieh has authored/co-authored over 25 refereed journal papers, 2 book chapters, along with over 30 conference and other invited presentations. She is the recipient of numerous awards including University of Waterloo Chemical Engineering Medal for Proficiency in Research (2016), the Value for Canada Award from NRC (2019), the Outstanding Achievement Awards from NRC (2021), and most recently Construction Research Centre Director General Innovation Award (2022). She is a member at International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction CIB W080, ASTM Committee G03 on weathering and durability, and IIBEC.
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