Standardized Energy Projects to Implement Grid-Interactivity
Date & Time
Thursday, March 3, 2022, 12:25 PM - 1:05 PM
Anish Tilak

Grid-interactive efficient buildings (GEBs) are energy efficient buildings that leverage smart controls to optimize energy use not only for building occupants or cost-savings, but also in alignment with broader electric grid utility needs. As renewable energy generation becomes a more substantial portion of the electric grid’s fuel mix across the country, when energy is used is becoming nearly as important as how much energy is used. Grid-interactive functionality enables buildings to play an active role in the grid’s decarbonization.

Building owners are seeking guidance on how to deploy grid-interactive technologies in their assets to capture the financial value of existing and emerging utility programs that incentivize flexibility. This presentation will outline a standardized and streamlined approach for building owners to plan and execute energy projects that will enable grid responsiveness in existing buildings. We will present packages of technology retrofits organized to align with typical building lifecycle milestones for easy integration with existing capital planning frameworks.