Panel Discussion: Resilience: An Architect, Engineer and Designer Perspective
Date & Time
Thursday, April 24, 2025, 1:20 PM - 1:50 PM
Duncan Rowe Marzieh Riahinezhad

Climate change, natural disasters, and the growing challenges associated with urbanization and population density are unprecedented threats that structures must endure. Discover from these complementary perspectives how collaborative approaches can address the ever-increasing need for sustainable buildings capable of withstanding unforeseen stressors. 

•    Understanding resilience as a critical concept in modern architecture, engineering, and design
•    Collaborative approaches to creating structures that can withstand natural disasters and climate challenges for retrofit projects
•    Integrating sustainability and resilience in design choices, materials, and construction methods within budget
•    Case studies showcasing successful resilient retrofit design projects from around the world
•    Future trends in resilient design, including adaptive technologies and innovative engineering solutions.